We can all agree that self care is important. By now, the value of a self-care routine has been displayed on almost every media outlet I can think of (e.g., podcasts, social media, books, and even ebooks).
Regardless of how often we’re reminded to incorporate self-care, how many of us really know how to prioritize self-care in our daily lives?
Getting the right amount of self-care into our lives can be hard because life gets real, and we’re all human. There are so many reasons one can find it hard to prioritize self-care. Some reasons include the ongoing sacrifices in motherhood, demanding work commitments, busy schedules, or even lack of knowledge.
Why You Need to Prioritize Self Care
Here are some of the top reasons why you should make more room for self care:
- To prevent burnout– being overworked, constantly stressed, and engaging in continual intense activity can cause mental and physical burnout. This is a problem that, if unchecked, can lead to numerous health problems and cause a major blow to your overall wellness.
- It can cause depression, anxiety, and mental illness – neglecting self-care can exacerbate any mental illness you may currently suffer from. It can also create mental illness and damage your personal connections.
- To establish work-life balance – A lot of times people allow work to consume them. Not having balance can cause feelings of guilt and prevent us from becoming our best selves.
- No one else will do it for you– self-care is one of those things that are your responsibility alone. Not committing to taking care of yourself can lead to you to damage the sacred relationship you have with yourself. This can cause low self-esteem, self-doubt, and spiritual unrest.
*Never deal with mental health issues alone. Reach out to your health care provider and seek professional help from a licensed professional who offers mental health services and can help you address your mental health issues.
If you’re trying to figure out how to make more time for self-care in your personal life, I’ve listed out 8 of the best ways to add them into your daily life and enhance your overall health in the long run.
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Evaluate your “Why”
When self-care feels like a chore, it’s important to re-evaluate your “why” and ask yourself some tough questions. Why does it feel like a chore? Were you simply copying and pasting what someone else told you to do, or have you not asked yourself what your personal needs are?
Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we think self-care should look like that we forget to listen to our bodies and minds. By taking the time to evaluate your “why” and listen to your needs, you can create a self-care routine tailored to your unique preferences and goals.
Break it Down into Small, Manageable Steps
Instead of tackling everything at once, start with one small habit that you can incorporate into your daily routine, such as drinking more water or taking a few deep breaths.
By breaking down your self-care routine into small, manageable steps, you can create a sustainable practice that will benefit you for years to come.
Be Mindful of Your Thoughts
Have you ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? Well, the same can be said about what you think. Our minds have so much influence on the way that we feel about ourselves and the world. Our mind can also keep us going when the outside world gets tough.
Keeping a positive outlook on life and positive self-talk is a self-care practice that takes little time. If ever you feel yourself thinking negative thoughts, that’s your queue to check in with yourself and shift your focus.
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Be Intuitive About What You Eat
Intuitive eating for self-care goes far beyond a balanced diet, healthy eating, and focusing on healthy foods. It can include slowing down and taking the extra time to enjoy your meal and the present moment as you replenish your body This aids in healthy digestion.
You can plan and meal prep a heathy lunch to enjoy on your lunch break. This counts as self-care because a healthy meal ensures you are catering to your nutritional needs, which will determine the overall quality of life.
Related posts about mindful eating:
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Committing to Mindful Meals, As Told By an Expert
Get Enough Sleep
It goes without saying that sleep is essential for mental well-being and physical well-being. A good rule for thumb is to get 7-8 hours daily. While it may be hard to show yourself love during the day, you can make up for it at the end of the day by practicing sleep wellness.
If you’re super busy most of the day (as many people are), try setting a timer each night to remind yourself to start getting ready for bed. You can use this time to sneak in other self-care activities like applying a Hydrate and Glow Face Mask, or taking a relaxing bubble bath.
Related posts about self care and sleep:
40 Bedtime Affirmations For When You Can’t Go to Sleep
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Spend Time With Yourself: Daily Happy Hours
Is your day filled with social interactions, taking care of others, or answering to different people? This can be because you’re a good friend or colleague, a busy student, or dedicated to caring for family members. Either way, it’s a one-way street to elevated stress levels.
Take some time to cater to your self-care needs. Add this to your morning routine as you enjoy your morning coffee or during the day when you feel overwhelmed.
Social Media Fast
When was the last time you disconnected from social media? If not controlled, your connection to the digital world can harm your emotional health and physical health. It can be easy to neglect your personal needs when you’re busy scrolling the internet.
Add a social media detox to your self care plan. You can do this anytime of the day, doing so first thing in the morning is always a good idea. Schedule time to remind yourself around the key times you notice you retreat to your cell phone or tablet.
Do Good Things For Yourself
A great way to sneak in small acts of self-care is by doing nice different things for yourself. These can be done as a reward for completing your work week, sticking to your wellness programs, handing in that monthly big project, or just because you want to.
Get into the habit of treating yourself and making yourself feel loved and appreciated. You don’t have to go all out (although it wouldn’t hurt to do so occasionally). Grab your favorite dessert, buy that cute dress you want, or whatever helps you feel like your best self.
Figure out what makes you happy
Setting aside time to learn yourself is true self-care. If you know what makes you happy, you can strengthen your coping mechanisms and better cope the next time you fall off your self-care routine.
You will be able to better incorporate these things into your life as small steps so the concept of self-care isn’t so intimating. This can also help you do your best work at making your own dreams come true outside of work and other obligations.

Move your body
It can be difficult to dedicate enough time to regular exercise. But you can always take the first step by doing small things and micro healthy activities that can still have a positive impact on you self care journey.
You can go for a daily walk before or after work, deep stretch while focusing on a cleansing deep breath routine before bed, or even join a yoga class on the weekends. These are all powerful things that can lead to big changes.
Relate posts about self-care and body movement:
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Make More Time for Self-Care
The bottom line is we all can use a little help learning how to prioritize self care. But regardless of the long days we have or how busy we may be in our personal lives, the last thing we want to do is neglect ourselves.
Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and when it comes to self-care, there’s no such thing as being selfish.
We’d love to hear for you! How do you prioritize self care in your personal life? Let us knowing the comment section below.