It can be hard to stay present and focused in moments of stress, but creating your own mindfulness jar is a wonderful way to bring some balance into this hectic world. With the help of a personalized tool like this, it’s possible for adults – no matter their age –to practice mindful principles without distraction or complication. Making your own mindfulness jar is not only emotionally gratifying; it also allows you to prioritize yourself above all else and focus on what matters most during difficult times.
Creating a DIY mindfulness jar could be ideal for those seeking a more direct, meaningful life experience. Not only will you reap all of the benefits that come along with it, such as improved focus and clarity – but by personalizing this tool to fit your lifestyle, you’ll gain immense satisfaction from crafting something custom designed just for you.
What is a mindful jar?
A mindfulness jar is a container that promotes healthy ways to be present in our everyday lives. We can use mindfulness jars for any activity where we want to be present, whether it’s increasing mindfulness activities, creating a sensory bottle, or a meditation jar. They help us stay focused on the task and keep our minds from wandering away from the moment.
What do you put in a calming jar?
It can range from small trinkets and stones to pictures, mementos, quotes, or even written affirmations. These items are then used as prompts to help bring mindfulness into your life. You can use a plastic jar or a glass one to store the items. Then, place it somewhere prominent where you can see it, like your mantelpiece or bedside table.
Creating your own mindfulness jar can be a creative and calming activity, allowing you to express yourself artistically while developing the mindfulness skills needed for daily life.
10 Ideas For Your Mindful Jar

1. Personalized Wish Jar
Write down sweet sentiments to yourself on strips of paper, roll them up, and place them inside a jar. Then, whenever you need a pick-me-up, pull out a wish and be reminded of your own worth.
Doing this will help curtail those negative emotions and remind you of all the wishes you hope for in life, including words of encouragement you’ve heard people say to you throughout your life.
2. Love You Because Jar
Creating a jar filled with notes stating why you love yourself is a great way to remind yourself that you matter. Each time you open it, the contents will bring a smile to your face and help build up your self-confidence.
Take some time to write down all the exceptional qualities about yourself that you like and cherish – these can include anything from your physical attributes to great life moments. You can make this jar as big or as small as you’d like. Then, when you’re feeling those big emotions, take a piece of paper from the jar and read it to yourself.
3. Truths about You, Notes to Self
Take some deep breaths because there are plenty of amazing truths many of us forget to remind ourselves of. The negative brain chatter is not the truth. You are worthy, capable, and loved, is the truth.
Creating simple statements that remind you of what about you is accurate, beautiful, and valuable can be a great way to give yourself a much-needed boost. One of the best ways to do this is by opening up a journal and generating a list of truths about yourself. It can be anything from compliments to successes you’ve achieved.
4. Mindful Minute Activitiy Jar
Grab some ideas from one of our self-care activity articles and create a bunch of activities that take little or no time, money, or energy. You can also find activities like mindful movement or online yoga classes that don’t require leaving the house.
This is a fun way to tap into your creative side and explore the possibilities of a simple activity you can do throughout the week on your lunch break, at the end of the day, or when you wake up in the morning. It’s all about establishing the habit of being in the present moment regardless of where you are.
5. Shadow Work Journal Prompts
Shadow work prompts have proven to be a great tool for identifying and working through personal issues or goals. Shadow work is an approach to personal development that deals with the parts of yourself you may not be conscious of but still hold influence over your behavior.
Through the cultivation of stillness, shadow work journal prompts can be powerful tools for personal transformation as it helps us develop a greater understanding of ourselves and those around us. Of course, experiencing a strong emotion or two is normal, but learning to recognize and embrace our shadow parts is vital to personal growth.
Check out our article on shadow work journal prompts:
6. Jar of Strength Quotes
Play to the side of where you highlight your strengths within. It’s a great mindfulness practice to commit to in our grind culture because we rarely spend time encouraging ourselves amid our “hustle” or adversities.
Set aside time to locate 50 quotes on the topic of strength and wellness and make it a fun activity by creating different color strips of paper with your handwritten quote on it. Place these strips at the bottom of the jar and take one out whenever you need it.
7. Affirmation Cards Jar
The purpose of the jar is to create one with affirmations that resonate with you. Suppose you need a helping hand in this area. In that case, plenty of positive affirmation articles are found on this site to help fill that beautiful container with inspiring words for when you have a hard time coming up with any on your own.
When you’re ready to get creative, grab positive affirmations for women, write them down and once it’s complete, have a special place for this jar where you will see it every day so that you can draw from its power when needed.
Read more positive affirmations for BIPOC women on the site:
40 Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day
47 Affirmations for Stress and Anxiety for Adding Calm
Daily Affirmations For Black Women In Toxic Work Environments
8. Friendship Jar
This could be a great project or gift to give to a friend. If the special friend in your life loves quotes, gather some quotes on the theme of friendship to add to your jar. Add up to 75 friendship quotes in a clear jar and present it as a special gift.
When you’re ready to get creative, grab positive affirmations for women, write them down, and once it’s complete, have a special place for this jar where you will see it every day so that you can draw from its power when needed.
Looking for more best friend date ideas?
9. Mindfulness Glitter Jar
Created originally with young kids in mind, creating a calming glitter jar is satisfying for the sensory awareness aspect of it, but it is not just for special needs individuals. It can be adapted to adults as well. With the addition of different drops of colors and scents you can add to this, the calming jar provides a soothing sensation to both sight and smell.
Start by filling your jar with warm water and adding any glitter that takes your fancy or absorbs color if you have some food coloring. Then, pour it into a mason jar or some plastic water bottles, and set it aside. Next, get creative with your natural decorations: petals, pine needles, leaves, and twigs all work great! Cut them up into small pieces and drop them into the jar – you can even add a glitter swirl to make it sparkle.
Give it a good shake and allow your DIY calm down glitter jar to help you unwind and decompress for some essential sensory input.
10. Sobriety Jar
If you have strong feelings towards feeling motivated with your sobriety, create a jar to help support your recovery. First, fill it with items that remind you of your progress and make you feel hopeful. Then, place the jar where you will see it daily as a form of inspiration.
Your day-to-day consists of different feelings that can take you down a quick spiral, and you deserve daily encouragement, reminders, and support. Commit to doing this with friends in your recovery community and find quotes that resonate with you online. ❤️
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