It’s finally Saturday! The weekend is here, and you deserve to relax and take care of yourself. These 101 affirmations will help you do just that. They are designed to help you focus on your needs, put your mind at ease, and decompress after what could be a rough working week.
Before we dive into the positive affirmations, let’s address some fun facts about Saturday.
Good things to know about Saturday
- On Saturdays, in Sweden, young children are often allowed to eat candy– making it a fun day for them!
- In the Thai solar calendar, Saturday is associated with the color purple.
- Nepal views Saturday as the last day of the week and has made it an official weekly holiday.
Check out other daily affirmations for the week
Self-care affirmations for the Sunday scaries
Sunday affirmations to promote ease and a growth mindset
Tuesday affirmations for when you need encouragement
Wednesday affirmation for mid-week pick me up
Morning affirmations to start your weekend
1. For the rest of day, I will put my work notifications off and focus on my needs.
2. Saturday represents a new day and a chance for me to focus on the areas I’ve been neglecting.
3. Positive thinking is key for a positive day, so I will focus on happy thoughts today.
4. I will not get in my own way today, I will let myself just be.
5. No extra day is needed for me to have fun, today I will enjoy myself.
6. Imagining that there will be Saturday’s struggles will only bring me down, so I choose not to focus on that.
7. The activities I participate in today will only enhance good health and well-being.
8. Acknowledging that I even get a break is the first step in welcoming Saturday with open arms.
9. My daily routine consists of things that make me happy and not what others think I should do.
10. I’ve come a long way from where I used to be and Saturdays are now a day to reflect on that progress.
11. It’s a great day for me to bask in my own company and recharge.
12. I give myself full permission to do minimal movement today if that’s what I need.
13. Old habits are behind me and I move forward into Saturday with newfound energy.
14. My heart is full knowing that my best friends are only a phone call away.
15. Instead of focusing on having a better day, I will make today the best day.
16. Focusing on my needs looks like identifying stress busters that work for me.
17. I have the entire day to think about things that make me happy, won’t he do it!
18. The rough working days of the past week are now behind me and I can fully relax.
19. My own life is a top priority and I make time for the things that matter to me.
20. I am living my dream life. Nothing extraordinary has to happen in order for me to recognize that today.

Powerful affirmations to say to yourself today
21. In this present moment, I am paying attention to how my breath feels going in and out.
22. At no extra cost does Saturday come with a side of relaxation, I just have to let it happen.
23. I am the master of my own resources. I do not need to spend a bunch of money to address my needs.
24. If I want to sleep in for an extra hour, I will.
25. There is no place for my mind to ruminate on negative thoughts today, Saturday is for letting go.
26. I will not allow myself to compare my Saturday to anyone else’s.
27. My energy levels are at an all-time high and I take on the day with excitement.
28. I will not allow work to consume my Saturday, today is for channeling my specific needs.
29. Next week I will rinse and repeat. I deserve to have Saturdays that serve my needs.
30. I will not allow myself to be productive for the sake of being productive, Saturday is a day of ease.
31. Every part of life that I want to do some inner work on is worth my time.
32. I am worthy of love, being able to pause and reflect on that is so important
33. Not a single day goes by without me being grateful for the life I’ve been given.
34. My bathroom mirrors remind me of the beauty that I am each morning.
35. I’m grateful that I get to enjoy exploring mindful Saturday activities that help me relax.
36. In my own time, doing the things I want to do is my self-care non-negotiable.
37. The important tasks can wait, today is about me.
38. Bright days are ahead and Saturday is the perfect day to start envisioning that.
39. Witnessing the joy of others is one of the simplest ways I can fill up my cup.
40. Having a “good Saturday” doesn’t mean everything went “right.” It means I allowed myself to focus on my needs.
Affirmations to say to yourself on Saturday nights
41. I choose not to be part of the crowds that stress over how Saturdays “should be” spent. Instead, I focus on what Saturdays allow me to do: nothing.
42. On the bright side of things, I can spend my Saturday night doing exactly what I want.
43. Living my best life does not involve getting drunk every Saturday night.
44. I can stay in, relax, and recharge for the rest of my weekend.
45. I don’t need to be out every Saturday night to have fun.
46. I deserve the opportunity to reflect on the powerful contributions I made this week.
47. I am choosing to end my workweek on a high note so that I can enjoy my weekend.
48. Any upcoming challenges I will face next week, will be met with grace.
49. I will express my thoughts to my friends if going out is not what I’m feeling.
50. I am perfectly fine with having a quiet Saturday night.
51. For the rest of the day if I’m feeling tired, I will allow myself to rest.
52. I am a valuable part of my community, and I contribute to it in many ways.
53. I will not allow my thoughts to question if I have a social life.
54. I’m okay with having the best time by myself.
55. I present my positive self without pressure to perform for others.
56. The best part about being grown is getting to choose how to spend my Saturday night.
57. Avoiding toxicity and maintaining peace of mind shows how much I value myself.
58. It’s not a bad thing to spend my Saturday night alone.
59. Others may have a hard time understanding why I enjoy my own company, and that’s okay.
60. I am the kind of person that seeks adventure within myself.

Positive statements to believe in
61. Not only am I a powerful tool filled with resources but I am also generous with my time.
62. Today marks the new beginning of my long weekend.
63. Some of my best days involve me reading a book in my pajamas, and doing shadow work.
64. I live for moments when I can be still, and just be with myself.
65. Successful people don’t always have to be surrounded by people to feel good about themselves.
66. Saying yes to repeating positive words to myself only makes my day better.
67. Experiencing happy days can and will be repeated if I choose to surround myself with people that make me feel good.
68. My everyday life is quite simple, and I like it that way.
69. It’s a big deal for me to say no to doing something I don’t want to do.
70. Great things and peaceful moments meet me when I’m not looking for them.
71. It’s a good day to be renewed by myself and for myself.
72. A great way for me to practice staying in tune with my body is by stretching.
73. I have a beautiful life that I don’t need to escape from.
74. My beautiful garments should be a reflection of my inner state.
75. The small things remind me to slow my steps down and enjoy the moment.
76. There will be consecutive days of exercising compassion, and self-love.
77. Mastering a positive mindset is like fine-tuning a muscle.
78. I choose to look in my bathroom mirror to address any insecurities today.
79. New thoughts may tempt me to stray away from my goals, but I’ll remain focused.
80. In the long run, the only thing I care about is my state of mind.
Weekend affirmations to read to yourself
81. I will not allow pressure from others to force me to spend time with people I don’t care for.
82. Having a chilling Saturday is exactly what it sounds like and I love that for me.
83. Delaying my peace in an effort to please others is a thing of the past.
84. don’t owe anyone an explanation for how I choose to live my life.
85. My small steps will lead me to have an abundant life.
86. In everything I do, I am putting in the time to ensure that my needs aren’t forgotten.
87. My Saturdays count when I’m taking care of my personal business.
88. I enjoy listing my good qualities in my spare time because it’s therapeutic.
89. My weekend plans consist of things that are going to bring me joy.
90. I’m not going to allow my workweek to dictate how my weekend is going to go.
91. I choose to start my weekend right by getting rid of the expectation that it has to be perfect.
92. It brings me joy to know that I can always count on myself.
93. I feel no pressure to make plans this weekend because busyness doesn’t equate to happiness.
94. I’m going to take my time and enjoy the moment.
95. Having a slow weekend is a good way for me to recharge my batteries.
96. I’m going to focus on my needs and make sure that I’m taken care of.
97. Comparing my Saturday does me no good when the only thing that matters is how I feel.
98. The only achievement that I care about this weekend if I met my basic needs.
99. Making myself a delicious meal is one of the best things that I can do for myself.
100. Choosing ease is making the strong statement that my work can wait.
101. I won’t feel a single ounce of regret when my actions are ones that I know are in my best interest.

Simple statements that make a difference to your weekend
No matter how rough your working days are, Saturdays are always a chance to relax and recharge. Use these affirmations to help you focus on your needs and decompress from the week. Like all of the other days of the week, Saturday is a day for self-care, so make sure to immerse yourself in activities that bring you joy.
Which affirmation from this list will you be resonating with this Saturday?