Smudging is a ceremonial practice used for centuries by many Native Americans and indigenous peoples around the world. Done with smudging affirmations, mantras, or prayers, it has been used to clear the energy of spaces, individuals, and even items. The practice involves burning a sacred herb such as white sage, cedar, sweetgrass, or palo Santo.
Many believe that the smoke from these herbs is cleansing and has the power to attach to negative energy to clear and purify environments. This ancient spiritual ritual is originally performed during ceremonies to bring spiritual balance. But, it can also be used to enhance your self-care and wellness practices for personal growth.
How to Properly Smudge yourself and your space
1.Prepare yourself and your space
Start by setting your intentions. Next, open doors or windows to welcome in fresh air. Clean any clutter that will prevent you from being able to flow through your space.
Gather a smudge stick and a fireproof container to place it in. Consider a small fan or your hand to help distribute the smoke.
2. Light a smudge stick
Set fire to one end of the stick until it glows and gives off smoke. You can even use a sage spray in sensitive places that don’t allow smoke.
3. Guide the smoke
Walk through your space and waft the smoke into the areas of your home, or your body. Be sure to give special attention to areas of your mind or home where there is heavy or stagnant energy.
4. Focus your intentions
Recite the smudging prayer, positive affirmations, or mantras that match the intentions to clean your home and/or yourself.
As you’re reciting, visualize the negative feelings and energy leaving your body or space and being restored with positivity, self-love, and good energy.
5. Bring the ritual to a close
After smudging yourself and your entire space, put out the smudge stick. Acknowledge this cleansing process by expressing gratitude.
Keep your front door or windows open to let the smoke and remaining negativity flow out of your space.

8 Smudging Affirmations to Clear Negative Spirits
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I’ve compiled a general list of smudging affirmations for you to give a try. Below you will find 8 mantras that will help you purify your current spaces, workspaces, and even your mind, body, and spirit.
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Smudging affirmations for self-care and self-love
“I affirm my worthiness of love, peace, and abundance. I release all doubts and fear from my being.”
This is a good one to recite when you’ve been dwelling in a state of anxiety or stuck in a low vibrational mood. Such feelings is be brought on by work, relationships, or even a monthly menstrual cycle. Unknowingly, these feelings can linger and affect our ability to see ourselves as the powerful women we truly are.
“I release any past mistakes. I’m letting go of limiting negative beliefs, self-talk, or thoughts. I replace them with positivity, love, and empowerment.”
We still exist in a world where we are constantly made to think less of ourselves and doubt our potential. If you feel that you’ve been internalizing the hate and doubt that the world throws at you, repeat these words as you perform your next smudging ritual.

“As I cleanse with this sacred smoke, I release all of the tension and stress that I’ve allowed to build up. I’m embracing a sense of calm and peace within.”
Take your self-care routine to the next level by adding this to your smudging practice. You can do this at the end of your week if you find yourself depleted from working, parenting, or just the insane demands of adulting.
“I’m releasing all negative energies from my being and letting in light and positivity. As the smoke covers me, I affirm my inner strength and resilience and reject anything that no longer serves me.”
There’s no better place to seek motivation than within yourself. And since that is easier said than done, using sacred herbs to give you a little assistance won’t hurt while reciting positive statements. Our strength is what keeps us going in a society that works against us. It’s important to clear things in our way to keep us going.
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Smudging affirmations to purify your space
“May this smudging ritual purify the energy in this office, fostering collaboration, clear communication, and efficient workflow. As this cleansing smoke clears, so does any negativity or conflict, making room for a peaceful and supportive environment”
Through unfair pay gaps, unrealistic expectations, and the need to always have to prove ourselves, work can be stressful. This mantra can work if you commute to a designated office space or work from home.
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“I release all harmful energies from this space. I allow only love and positivity to flow here.”
This is the perfect affirmation to recite after you’ve had visitors or short-term guests in your home or apartment. We never know what kind of negative energies our guests may be carrying around. Protect your space against lingering negativity and energy that is not your own.
“I welcome positive energy, happiness, and prosperity to flow within these walls, blessing this home and all who call it home.”
Moving into a new space is an incredible time to perform a smudging ceremony. Regardless if you know the previous tenants/owners or not, it’s always a good idea to clear unwanted energies and set new intentions for your space. It can help you feel more confident in your ability to thrive in that space.
“I’m grateful for a space to rest and rejuvenate. I cleanse this bedroom of any negative energy and welcome in peace, comfort, and deep sleep.”
We spend an abundance of time in our bedrooms. It’s only right that we cleanse the sacred space that brings us close to the spiritual realm and prepares our minds and bodies for growth. Do this if you have trouble sleeping, or if you’ve had company that has spent some time in your bedroom.
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Putting Smudging into Action

Be sure to approach this ancient spiritual practice with respect and mindfulness. Keep in mind the origins of this tradition while you make it your own.
This ritual is quite easy to tailor to your wants, needs, and personal beliefs. You can incorporate things like meditation or music that brings you peace.
Lastly, the quality of herbs you use may make all the difference during this cleansing ritual. Protect yourself by sustainably sourcing your herbs and practicing fire safety while you’re energy clearing.
Have you tried any smudging rituals? Do you have any smudging affirmations that have helped you purify yourself or your space? Let us know in the comment section below.