We all have moments when we are our own worst critics. We focus on the things that we don’t like about ourselves and forget all of the things that we should be proud of.
This can lead to a lot of negative thoughts and feelings. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this blog post, we will discuss 50 things that you should love about yourself. When those negative thoughts start to creep in, remember these things and admire yourself for them!
What a humbling activity to be able to sit down and brainstorm things we love about ourselves. Changing the narrative from things we dislike about ourselves to highlighting the things we admire takes time, practice, and patience. But it is so worth it to remind ourselves of things we should love about ourselves!
List of Things to Appreciate From Your Self-Love List
Honestly, thinking of things ‘I like about myself made me feel weird too at first but as I was reading other articles from people who had done this, it started making more sense.
And if you’ve read 3 Self Love Habits That Changed My Life, you would know that I’m a huge fan of sitting down and spending intentional time acknowledging the things we choose not to see about ourselves.
When you carve out time to do this, you start to engage in fewer instances of negative self-talk and more moments of pure self-love.
Positive Things to Like About Yourself
1. You have your own set of skills and talents that nobody else has.
2. You have overcome difficulties and challenges in your life
3. You are capable of accomplishing anything that makes your heart warm.
4. Even during hard times, you make yourself emotionally available to your friends and family.
5. Hitting rock bottom doesn’t deter you from moving toward your goals.
6. New things may intimidate you but you’re never afraid to try them.
7. You’re a loyal friend that people can always count on.
8. Your zest for life is contagious.
9. Doing good deeds isn’t for show, it’s something that comes naturally to you.
10. Little things you do for others fill them with happiness.

11. Hard work doesn’t phase you because you know it’ll pay off in the end.
12. You always stay true to yourself no matter what.
13. You spend a lot of time daydreaming and allowing your imagination to run wild.
14. You are the one that preaches prioritizing your mental health with friends because you understand its importance.
15. Your passion is evident in everything you do.
16. You always see the best in people, even when the first thing other people do is see the worst.
17. You are open about the ups and downs of your self-love journey in order to help others.
18. You are never afraid to be yourself, even if it means being vulnerable.
19. Your willingness to be a good friend to others despite their toxic traits is admirable.
20. This past year has shaped you into an even stronger individual.
21. Your heart is full of love and compassion.
22. For a long time, you’ve always felt like an outcast but you’ve continued to enjoy your life in bounty.
23. You’re always the first one to comfort others in their time of need.
24. You pick up on others ‘ energies very easily and do your best to help them in any way you can.
25. Something shifts and amazing things happen when you put your mind, body, and soul into something.

What I Love About Me
1. I love that I can recognize negative self-talk as counterproductive to my mental health and work on changing it.
2. My sense of humor gets people to open up to me and makes difficult conversations a lot more bearable.
3. When I am a best friend to someone, I give it my all and try to be as supportive as possible.
4. I love that my friends can recognize how good of a friend I am to them.
5. When a friend is going through something and needs me, I will drop everything to be there for them.
6. I’m a loyal friend that feels things deeply.
7. I deliver information in a way that is digestible for people, whether it’s breaking down a complex topic or just making things relatable.
8. I love that I love my own damn company. I don’t need a lot of people around me to feel content.
9. I’m a forever student that craves knowledge and new experiences.
10. I have a great imagination that allows me to see things from a different perspective, creatively speaking.
What Do You Love About Yourself
1. Your ability to empathize with others.
2. Being a good listener is something people often admire about you.
3. The way you always see the best in people.
4. You’re always the voice of reason people turn in difficult situations.
5. Regardless of great things happening for other people, you do your best to feel happy and grateful for what you have.
6. In high school, your friends would come to you for advice because you always had the best perspective.
7. The big picture is always in your mind, and you’re always planning ahead.
8. You are quick to offer your phone number to those who need it, even if you don’t know them that well.
9. You have an amazing work ethic and people often admire how dedicated you are.
10. You’re great at handling stress and difficult situations. You always keep a level head.

11. Being a better version of yourself is something you’re always striving for.
12. You’re never satisfied with mediocrity or ‘good enough.’ You always want to be the best you can be.
13. You have an infectious laugh that always makes people smile.
14. Your ability to connect with people is one of your greatest strengths.
15. You recognize using tools like self-love worksheets make a difference in your overall wellness.
16. You know that taking care of yourself is important and you do your best to do things that make you happy.
17. Having a meaningful life is important to you.
18. Having a positive body image is something you work on because you know that your worth isn’t based on your appearance.
19. You are a lot of fun to be around and people always enjoy your company!
20. Enjoying your real life and not the one that people create on social media is something that’s important to you.

What I Like About Myself Activity
I recommend that you write down at least 5 things from this self-love list that apply to you. It’s really important to remember the things we should love about ourselves so that when negative thoughts start to creep in, we have a list of things to remind us of our worth.
We are all deserving of love and care, including ourselves!
So go show yourself some self-love today 🙂