7 Must-have poetry books about self-love

It can be hard to break out of that negative mindset and learn to love ourselves just the way we are. But it is so important. One of the best ways to change the narrative is by reading poetry books about self-love. Check out this list of 7 must-have self-love books for you to add to your home library this year and enjoy the growth that comes with reading poetry books about love!

The most difficult year is not a time for giving up. In this empowering poetry book, you will find hope and beauty to remind yourself that it’s okay if life has been rough lately – there are still things worth fighting for!

Self Love Poetry

Melody Godfred

Zweena, Still

This book of poetry is a must-read for anyone who needs some encouragement in their life. It will speak to you on an individual level and help guide your journey of self-acceptance with a raw honesty that only the author could provide!

Edwina Simmons

This author has become a voice for so many women who felt voiceless. She taps into the emotional right side of the brain that often gets overlooked, and she writes about the things we all think but don't always say out loud. Self-love Rupi Kaur poetry is the perfect gift for yourself that you’ll always come back to.

Home Body

Rupi Kaur

I love a poetry collection that leaves me feeling like it’s full of love letters to myself. This book reminds us of important things when it comes to unconditional love. This is a good book to add to your ever-growing collection of love poetry books.

All of You is Welcome Here


As someone who experienced a broken heart as a young black woman, this is one of those good self-love books that I needed. It was given to me by a friend who knows my poetry journey, and I have never been able to put it down since.

You Are Enough

VP Wright

keep up with your own self-love expressions!

13 Self Love Drawings You'll Want Framed in Your Home